The Elusive eight: Unlocking Moments for Yourself in a Busy World
Yvonne Nikolaison Yvonne Nikolaison

The Elusive eight: Unlocking Moments for Yourself in a Busy World

The Elusive Leisure Time: Finding Moments for Yourself in a Busy World

As children, we saw our mothers endlessly busy with housework, a never-ending cycle of tasks. With the advent of time-saving devices, it was promised that we would have more leisure time. But fifty years on, do we? I certainly don’t.

In today’s fast-paced world, finding leisure time requires intention. I’ve discovered a few ways to sneak in those precious moments: a relaxing bath, savoring a glass of wine while cooking, combining exercise with social time, and creating a personal nook at home. Despite the convenience of modern devices, I yearn for the old, slower ways of life—cooking from scratch, raising chickens, and making crafts. One day, I hope to fully embrace this dream. Until then, I’ll cherish the small moments of leisure I find in my busy days.

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April update
Yvonne Nikolaison Yvonne Nikolaison

April update

April Updates and the new Mother’s Day Collection.

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Morning pages
Yvonne Nikolaison Yvonne Nikolaison

Morning pages

Morning pages with Julia Cameron. Written by Yvonne Nikolaison.

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