The Elusive eight: Unlocking Moments for Yourself in a Busy World

As children, we often saw our mothers endlessly busy with cooking, housework, and a myriad of daily tasks. It was a never-ending cycle, and the days seemed long and tiring. Then came the wave of automatic washing machines, microwaves, dishwashers, and other time-saving devices. I remember hearing that these innovations would grant us more leisure time, and fifty years ago, it was even debated that we should be educated on how to effectively spend this newfound leisure time. But, fifty years on, do we really have more leisure time? I certainly don’t.

I have lots of plans for when I retire, but then I’m told that retirement is just as busy. So, where is all this leisure time? I have come to the conclusion that we need to intentionally make time for it, which in today's fast-paced world is not always easy.

How do we do that, you ask? Well, I’m no expert, but I have managed to find a few ways to sneak in some time here and there. Here are some of my favourites:

1. Having a Bath: Set up a relaxing atmosphere with candles, your favourite music, a glass of wine or your favourite beverage, and a good book. I’m fortunate to have an outdoor bath that I use at least once a week. It takes some planning and 3-4 hours to heat up, but it’s oh-so-lovely.

2. Enjoying a Beverage at the End of the Day: I like to cook while enjoying a glass of wine on weekends. It’s a small pleasure that makes the end of the day feel special.

3. Catching Up with a Friend and Exercising: Plan a workout together or go for a walk. Making it a regular thing ensures you get two things done at once—exercise and social time.

4. Savouring a Cup of Coffee: Sit down to drink a cup of coffee and just observe what’s going on around you. If you’re up early enough, watch the sunrise. It’s important to stop and smell the coffee, literally.

5. Creating a Personal Nook: Design a cozy corner at home just for you, complete with your favourite flowers, a blanket, a candle, books, etc. It’s your personal recharge space.

6. Writing Morning Pages/Journal: I do this while having breakfast. It’s a peaceful way to start the day and plan what lies ahead.

7. Reading Time: Set aside 30 minutes at night for reading. It’s a great way to wind down before bed.

8. Making Art or Craft: Allocate 10 minutes here and there during the day. You’d be surprised at what you can achieve in these small pockets of time.

Interestingly, I now find myself yearning for the old ways of doing things—the slow way. I dream of cooking over a wood-fired stove, baking all our bread, and cooking everything from scratch. I want to have our own chickens for eggs and meat, clean, card, spin, and weave our alpaca fleece (though I’ll need to learn how to spin and weave first). I want to expand my vegetable garden, make clothes for my family from fabric I’ve designed, create Waldorf dolls, and more.

One day, I hope to live this life I’ve dreamed of. Until then, I’ll continue to find and cherish those small moments of leisure in my busy days.

As a child we saw our mothers busy with cooking, housework, it was a never ending cycle and the days were long.  Then came along automatic washing machines, microwaves, dishwashers and other time saving devices.  I remember mum being told that we will have more leisure time and 50 old years ago it was debated that we should be having education in how to effectively spend our leisure time.  50 years on and do we have more leisure time?  I certainly don’t but I have lots of plans for when I retire but then Im told retirement is very busy, so where is all this leisure time?  I have come to the conclusion that we need to make time for this, which in todays fast paced world is not always easy.  How do we do that i hear you say, well I’m not expert but I have managed to find a few ways to sneak in some time here and there.  Here are some of my favourites

  1. Having a bath, put some candles around, play your faviourite music, a glass of wine or your faviourite beverage and for me that all important book to read.  I’m lucky I have the luxury of an outdoor bath which i make use off at least once a week.  It does take some planning and 3-4 hours to heat up, but its oh so lovely.

  2. Enjoying a glass of your faviourite beverage at the ends of your working day.  I like to cook while enjoying a glass of wine in the weekends.

  3. What to catch up with a friend and get some exercise? Plan a workout together or go for a walk together, make it a regular thing so you are getting 2 things done at once.

  4. Sit down to drink a cup of coffee and just see what is going on around you or if you are up early enough, watch the sunrise.  Stop and smell the coffee

  5.   Create a nook at home that is just yours with your faviourite flowers, blanket throw, candle, books etc a place for you to recharge

  6. Want time to write morning pages/journal or just plan your day, I do this while Im having breakfast

  7. Looking for time to read, set aside 30mins at night for this

  8. Wanting time to make art or craft, set aside 10 mins here and there during the day and its amazing what you will achieve

Funny enough now I want to go back to the old ways of doing things, the slow way, cooking over a wood fired stove, baking all our bread, cooking everything from the beginning, having our own chickens for eggs and meat. I want to find time to clean, card, spin and weave our alpaca fleece, though I will need to learn how to spin and weave first.  Increase the size of my vegetable garden.  Make clothes for myself and my family with fabric I have designed, make Waldorf dolls and the list goes on.  One day I hope to be able to live this life I have dreamed off.


The Magic of Outdoor Winter Baths: A Refreshing Experience


April update