When Life Throws You a Curveball: Managing Business When You're Out of Action

We all know the drill: we try to get enough sleep, eat well, and squeeze in some exercise. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, life has other plans. Recently, I found myself dealing with a tight band of tension around my back, the kind that makes everything else in life feel like it’s spiraling downhill. For a few days, I could hardly move without pain, and I was beyond thankful for muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatories, and pain relief. Thankfully, my go-to massage therapist had an open slot and was able to work her magic, loosening those stubborn muscles and even providing me with exercises to help maintain movement and relax.

But as any self-employed person knows, taking time off isn't always a simple matter. While my back was being coaxed back to health, my thoughts were racing. How was my business going to keep going while I was recovering?

Thankfully, a bit of forward planning came to my rescue. I always schedule my social media posts in advance, so that was one less thing to worry about. For a week, my content was set to go, leaving me time to focus on recovery. Zoom meetings? I could manage those while moving around—thank goodness for the flexibility of working from home!

Creating new art was out of the question for the first few days. But I wasn’t completely sidelined; I turned to designing new products using existing artwork. That way, I could keep the creative wheels turning without pushing my body too hard. I also reminded myself that some of the products on my website are fulfilled through drop shipping, which meant there wasn’t too much panic on that front, either.

As the week went on, I was able to sit for slightly longer periods without pain. Gradually, I returned to creating new art, one careful step at a time. But this experience was a wake-up call. As a self-employed artist, it’s crucial to ensure that my business can continue to operate smoothly even if I’m temporarily out of action—whether due to an injury, illness, or a family emergency.

The truth is, we all take our health for granted at times. But this little bump in the road has taught me a valuable lesson: it’s important to have a plan in place for when life inevitably throws us a curveball. Going forward, I’ll be making sure that my business is as resilient as possible so that when the unexpected happens, I can focus on what’s most important—getting back on my feet.

So here’s to health, balance, and the beauty of being prepared. If you’re a fellow small business owner, take this as a gentle nudge to think about your own contingency plans. After all, our health is the foundation that supports everything we do. Let’s make sure we’re ready to keep things running smoothly, no matter what life throws our way.


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